Gametophyte Of Funaria

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Fungi and members of the Monera and Protista having cell walls have not been separated form Plantae, the earlier classifications kept them in the same kingdom. The kingdom Plantae has been described under algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. The overview of this classification is demonstrated here in the flowchart. Types of Classification System. These includes artificial system, natural system and phylogenetic system of classification. The various systems used in classification ofiplants are being discussed here. Gametophyte Of Funaria HygrometricaArtificial System of Classification. This system is based on comparison of one or a few superficial characteristics, which are helpful in easy identification of organisms. This system remained in use for about two thousand years. Aristotle is known as father of Zoology. Carolus Linnaeus is known as father of Taxonomy. Gametophyte Of Funaria\/polytichum' title='Gametophyte Of Funaria\/polytichum' />Advantages. Advantages of artificial system as belowi Artificial system is easy to remember as only one or few characters are used. The traits used are of interest to humans. Disadvantages Disadvantages of artificial system are given belowi This system use only few superficial characters i. They considered mainly the vegetative characters or the androecium characters as given by linnaeus. It does not demonstrate natural and phylogenetic relationships. This gave equal weightage to vegetative and reproductivesexual characters this is not acceptable, as vegetative characters are more easily influenced by the environmental factors. They sparated the closely related species. Natural System of Classification. It is also known as phenetic system of classification. The natural system of classification is based on natural affinities among the organisms. It considers both external and internal features like structure, anatomy, embryology and phytochemistry. Advantages Advantages of natural system are given belowi Only related organisms are kept in a group. Unrelated organisms are kept in separate groups. It shows natural relationships among the organisms. It shows possible origin of different taxa. Disadvantages Disadvantages of natural system are given belowi There is more emphasis given on natural character. In this system several related families are separated and unrelated families are put together. Evolutionary basis is neglected. Phylogenetic System of Classification. The phylogenetic system of classification indicates the evolutionary as well as genetic relationships among organisms. This system is based on fossil records of biochemical, anatomical, morphological, physiological, embryological and genetical. The system was initiated by Engler and Prant. I 1. 88. 7 1. 89. Die Naturalichen Pflanzefamilien. In phylogenetic system, flowering plants are placed in ascending series related to complexity of floral morphology. Program Check Motherboard Model: Software Free Download. The phylogenetic system of classification are mainly the rearrangement of taxonomic characters in addition to the phylogenetic information. Advantages Advantages of phylogenetic system are given belowi Families and order in this system are of small size. This system is in conformation with the modern views of phylogeny. They use information from various sources to solve problems of classification. Such informations become more important in the absence of supporting fossil evidences. Disadvantages Disadvantages of phylogenetic system are given belowi This is not helpful in plant identification. The classification is outdated as the habit is used as. Types of Taxonomies. For the suitability in studies various categorizations has been done in taxonomy. The important taxonomies are as follows 1. Numerical Taxonomy. It is carried out by quantitative assessment of similarities and differences in order to make objective assessments. It is now easily carried out using computers based on all observable characteristics. Number and codes are assigned to all the characters and the data are then processed. Hp 2100 Driver Windows Vista. In this way, each character is given equal importance and at the same time hundreds of characters can be considered. Cytotaxonomy. Cytotaxonomy is based on cytological information like chromosome number, structure, behaviour and type of chromosomes. For example,i Chromosome number is constant for a species, e. Drosophila. ii Behavior of chromosomes was used by taxonomists during pairing and banding patterns to understand the relationships between species, e. Origin of humans from apes, origin of wheat, etc. Chemotaxonomy. It is the system based on the evidences from chemical constituents enzymes, hormones, proteins, amino acids, etc., some specific chemicals usually secondary metabolites and the chemical nature of proteins have been utilised to establish similarities and relationships. For example, the presence of raphides has been found to be common in 3. Algae. Algae are chlorophyll bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic and largely aquatic both freshwater and marine organisms. The important salient features of algae are given below. Habitat. These are found in both freshwater and marine habitats. Some algal forms are also found in moist habitats like wet rocks and soil, tree trunks, etc. Some of them are also found in close association with fungi lichen and animals e. Thallus Organisation. The plant body thallus is without differentiation. The basic form and size of algae is highly variable, and ranges from filamentous e. Ulothrixand Spirogyrd to colonial e. Volvox. These are attached on the substratum with the help of holdfast. Structure of Algal Cell. It has an eukaryotic plant cell structure. The cytoplasm contains membrane bound chloroplast, mitochondria, ER, Golgi bodies and other cell organelles. The cell wall contains cellulose. The nucleus contains nuclear membrane. Food Material. Algae have main food reserve as starch. In brown algae, mannitol and laminarin are the main reserve food material, whereas in red algae floridean starch is the reserve food material. Reproduction. The algae reproduces vegetatively, asexually and sexually. Vegetative Reproduction. It occurs by fragmentation, tubers, stolons, adventitious branches, etc. Each fragment gets develop into a thallus. Asexual Reproduction. It occurs by a number of accessory spores, such as zoospores aplanospores, akinetes, carpospores, etc. The most common being the zoospores, which are flagellated. The cells which produce spores are called sporangia. The sporangia may be the vegetative cells e. Chlamydomonas and Ulothrix or modified vegetative cells e. Vaucheria. iii. Sexual Reproduction. It occurs by fusion of two gametes. On the basis of morphology of reproductive cells, sexual reproduction is of two typesa Isogamy In this method, two morphologically similar gametes fuse to form a zygote, e. Spirogyra. b Heterogamy In this process, fusion occurs between morphologically as well as physiologically different gametes. It is of two types. Anisogamy It is the fusion of structurally dissimilar gametes, which differ in size and behaviour. Male gamete is more active and female gamete is less active and bigger in size, e. Some species of Chlamydomonas. Oogamy In this process, the male gamete is motile, active, small and without reserve food.