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The only other salient detail known to police in Munich was that Krug commuted to Cairo frequently. He was one of dozens of Nazi rocket experts who had been hired by Egypt to develop advanced weapons for that country. Ha. Boker, a now defunct Israeli newspaper, surprisingly claimed to have the explanation The Egyptians kidnapped Krug to prevent him from doing business with Israel. But that somewhat clumsy leak was an attempt by Israel to divert investigators from digging too deeply into the case not that they ever would have found the 4. We can now report based on interviews with former Mossad officers and with Israelis who have access to the Mossads archived secrets from half a century ago that Krug was murdered as part of an Israeli espionage plot to intimidate the German scientists working for Egypt. Get all updates on Israel and the Jewish world Download our App, sign up to Breaking News Alerts, and Subscribe  Moreover, the most astounding revelation is the Mossad agent who fired the fatal gunshots Otto Skorzeny, one of the Israeli spy agencys most valuable assets, was a former lieutenant colonel in Nazi Germanys Waffen SS and one of Adolf Hitlers personal favorites among the partys commando leaders. The Fhrer, in fact, awarded Skorzeny the armys most prestigious medal, the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross, for leading the rescue operation that plucked his friend Benito Mussolini out from the hands of his captors. Otto Skorzeny with the liberated Mussolini 1. September 1. 94. 3. Wikimedia Commons Toni Schneiders. But that was then. By 1. 96. 2, according to our sources who spoke only on the promise that they not be identified Skorzeny had a different employer. The story of how that came to be is one of the most important untold tales in the archives of the Mossad, the agency whose full name, translated from Hebrew, is The Institute for Intelligence and Special Missions. Key to understanding the story is that the Mossad had made stopping German scientists then working on Egypts rocket program one of its top priorities. For several months before his death, in fact, Krug, along with other Germans who were working in Egypts rocket building industry, had received threatening messages. When in Germany, they got phone calls in the middle of the night, telling them to quit the Egyptian program. When in Egypt, some were sent letter bombs and several people were injured by the explosions. Krug, as it happens, was near the top of the Mossads target list. During the war that ended 1. Krug was part of a team of superstars at Peenemnde, the military test range on the coast of the Baltic Sea, where top German scientists toiled in the service of Hitler and the Third Reich. The team, led by Wernher von Braun, was proud to have engineered the rockets for the Blitz that nearly defeated England. Its wider ambitions included missiles that could fly a lot farther, with greater accuracy and more destructive power. According to Mossad research, a decade after the war ended, von Braun invited Krug and other former colleagues to join him in America. Von Braun, his war record practically expunged, was leading a missile development program for the United States. He even became one of the fathers of the NASA space exploration program. Krug opted for another, seemingly more lucrative option joining other scientists from the Peenemnde group led by the German professor Wolfgang Pilz, whom he greatly admired in Egypt. They would set up a secret strategic missile program for that Arab country. In the Israelis view, Krug had to know that Israel, the country where so many Holocaust survivors had found refuge, was the intended target of his new masters military capabilities. A committed Nazi would see this as an opportunity to continue the ghastly mission of exterminating the Jewish people. The threatening notes and phone calls, however, were driving Krug crazy. He and his colleagues knew that the threats were from Israelis. It was obvious. In 1. Israeli agents had kidnapped Adolf Eichmann, one of the chief administrators of the Holocaust, in far off Argentina. The Israelis astonishingly smuggled the Nazi to Jerusalem, where he was put on trial. Eichmann was hanged on May 3. Otto Skorzeny 2nd from left, 3 October 1. Wikimedia Commonsskip It was reasonable for Krug to feel that a Mossad noose might be tightening around his neck, too. That was why he summoned help a Nazi hero who was considered the best of the best in Hitlers heyday. On the day he vanished, according to our new information from reliable sources, Krug left his office to meet Skorzeny, the man he felt would be his savior. Skorzeny, then 5. A dashing, innovative military man who grew up in Austria famous for a long scar on the left side of his face, the result of his overly exuberant swordplay while fencing as a youth he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel in Nazi Germanys Waffen SS. Thanks to Skorzenys exploits as a guerrilla commander, Hitler recognized that he had a man who would go above and beyond, and stop at nothing, to complete a mission. The colonels feats during the war inspired Germans and the grudging respect of Germanys enemies. American and British military intelligence labeled Skorzeny the most dangerous man in Europe. Krug contacted Skorzeny in the hope that the great hero then living in Spain could create a strategy to keep the scientists safe. The two men were in Krugs white Mercedes, driving north out of Munich, and Skorzeny said that as a first step he had arranged for three bodyguards. He said they were in a car directly behind and would accompany them to a safe place in a forest for a chat. Krug was murdered, then and there, without so much as a formal indictment or death sentence. The man who pulled the trigger was none other than the famous Nazi war hero. Israels espionage agency had managed to turn Otto Skorzeny into a secret agent for the Jewish state. After Krug was shot, the three Israelis poured acid on his body, waited awhile and then buried what was left in a hole they had dug beforehand. They covered the makeshift grave with lime, so that search dogs and wild animals would never pick up the scent of human remains. Otto Skorzeny left and Adrian von Flkersam right in Budapest, 1. October 1. 94. 4. Wikimedia Commons The troika that coordinated this extrajudicial execution was led by a future prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir, who was then head of the Mossads special operations unit. One of the others was Zvi Peter Malkin, who had tackled Eichmann in Argentina and in later life would enter the art world as a New York based painter. Supervising from a distance was Yosef Joe Raanan, who was the secret agencys senior officer in Germany. All three had lost large numbers of family members among the 6 million Jews murdered by the cruel, continent wide genocide that Eichmann had managed. Israels motivation in working with a man such as Skorzeny was clear to get as close as possible to Nazis who were helping Egypt plot a new Holocaust. The Mossads playbook for protecting Israel and the Jewish people has no preordained rules or limits.