Sap R/3 Black Book

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About that reason, I started with the basic connect my own User profile with SAP R3. Doing some Google research, I found a good paper with the connectivity and here is the key part of the code Dim obj. BAPIControl As Object Function Control Collective object. The Art of the Possible 2017. This SAP event was all about digital transformation and highlighted various new cutting edge technologies developed by SAP and how. View and Download Ricoh M001 service manual online. M001 Printer pdf manual download. Overview. The Bombyliidae are a large family of flies comprising hundreds of genera, but the lifecycles of most species are known poorly, or not at all. Key Figure Overview for BP Monitoring BP Analytics SAP Active Global Support January 2015 All key figures for BP Monitoring and BP Analytics BPOps are delivered. Dim sap. Connection As Object Connection object. Set obj. BAPIControl Create. ObjectSAP. Functions. Set sap. Connection obj. BAPIControl. Connection. Connection. client 3. Connection. user my. User. sap. Connection. Language EN. sap. Talent Dress Up Games. Connection. hostname qwerty. Sap R/3 Black Book' title='Sap R/3 Black Book' />Connection. Password my. Pass. Later on, I did the second step which was reading some table in this case, the Users TableIf sap. Connection. logon1, True lt True Then. Msg. Box No connection to R3. Exit Sub End program. Set obj. User. List obj. BAPIControl. AddBAPIUSERGETLIST. Set obj. User. Detail obj. BAPIControl. AddBAPIUSERGETDETAIL. Func obj. User. Sap R/3 Black BookSap R/3 Black BookList. Call. If return. Func True Then. Dim obj. Table As Object. Set obj. Table obj. User. List. TablesUSERLIST. Active. Sheet. Cells1, 1 User count obj. Table. Row. Count. But now, here is my question How to run some transaction LM0. LS2. 6, LX0. 3, or etc fired from VBA PS. Im using MS Office 2. Windows 7. EDITED Hey I change the way I was attacking the challenge I will let the OP above for helping some other guyThis must be add to the first. Dim Rfc. Call. Transaction As Object. Dim Messages As Object. Dim Bdc. Table As Object. The connection to SAP is the same, but once youre logged in If obj. BAPIControl. Connection. Logon0, False lt True Then. Set Rfc. Call. Transaction obj. BAPIControl. AddRFCCALLTRANSACTIONUSING. RFCCALLTRANSACTION old function. Rfc. Call. Transaction. SE1. 6. Rfc. Call. Transaction. exportsmode N. Sap R/3 Black Book' title='Sap R/3 Black Book' />Sap R/3 Black BookSet Bdc. Table Rfc. Call. Transaction. Tablesbtdata. Until this part Im sure of three things 1 It does connect to SAP R3. It Runs the SE1. It could receive the Batch input from a Bdc. Table. The missing part is, how to format the Bdc. Table I think it must be in ABAP language to upload the exact Data table that I want to be run at SE1. EDITED. I found an example of the formatting table Im looking for addbdcdata Bdc. Table, SAPLSETB, 2. X, ,. addbdcdata Bdc. Table, BDCCURSOR, DATABROWSE TABLENAME. Bdc. Table, BDCOKCODE, ANZE. Bdc. Table, DATABROWSE TABLENAME, KNA1. Bdc. Table, 1. BCDWBDBKNA1, 1. X, ,. addbdcdata Bdc. Table, BDCCURSOR, MAXSEL. Bdc. Table, BDCOKCODE, ONLI. Bdc. Table, LISTBRE, 2. Bdc. Table, MAXSEL, 5. Bdc. Table, SAPMSSY0, 1. X, ,. addbdcdata Bdc. Table, BDCCURSOR, 0. Bdc. Table, BDCOKCODE, EX. Bdc. Table, 1. BCDWBDBKNA1, 1. Tdk Bluetooth Driver Download Special Version. X, ,. addbdcdata Bdc. Table, BDCOKCODE, EE. Bdc. Table, BDCCURSOR, I1 LOW. Bdc. Table, SAPLSETB, 2. X, ,. addbdcdata Bdc. Table, BDCOKCODE, EBACK. Bdc. Table, BDCCURSOR, DATABROWSE TABLENAME. The above code still being part of the VBA macro. But I dont know what do all those fills mean. After this task is complete, the second challenge is to save the data automatically into a MS Excel sheet. Could you tell me if the all editing thing is working or should I just paste the new code and erase the historyEDITED. I asked the same question as a summary in SCN platform. You can review it here. EDITED. My objective in this challenge is to run a transaction the TCODE Im looking for is LM0. VBA Macro, upload some date extracted from a MS Excel file and Execute the transaction. It seems like this task cant be done without the help of SAP IT support. OCT1. 2 I will try Auto. IT for logging, run a basic Tcode and display the report. Id Comment my results after I double checked it. Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue Decision fatigue helps explain why ordinarily sensible people get angry at colleagues and families, splurge on clothes, buy junk food at the supermarket and cant resist the dealers offer to rustproof their new car. No matter how rational and high minded you try to be, you cant make decision after decision without paying a biological price. Its different from ordinary physical fatigue youre not consciously aware of being tired but youre low on mental energy. The more choices you make throughout the day, the harder each one becomes for your brain, and eventually it looks for shortcuts, usually in either of two very different ways. One shortcut is to become reckless to act impulsively instead of expending the energy to first think through the consequences. Sure, tweet that photo What could go wrong The other shortcut is the ultimate energy saver do nothing. Instead of agonizing over decisions, avoid any choice. Ducking a decision often creates bigger problems in the long run, but for the moment, it eases the mental strain. You start to resist any change, any potentially risky move like releasing a prisoner who might commit a crime. So the fatigued judge on a parole board takes the easy way out, and the prisoner keeps doing time. Decision fatigue is the newest discovery involving a phenomenon called ego depletion, a term coined by the social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister in homage to a Freudian hypothesis. Freud speculated that the self, or ego, depended on mental activities involving the transfer of energy. He was vague about the details, though, and quite wrong about some of them like his idea that artists sublimate sexual energy into their work, which would imply that adultery should be especially rare at artists colonies. Freuds energy model of the self was generally ignored until the end of the century, when Baumeister began studying mental discipline in a series of experiments, first at Case Western and then at Florida State University. These experiments demonstrated that there is a finite store of mental energy for exerting self control. When people fended off the temptation to scarf down M Ms or freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, they were then less able to resist other temptations. When they forced themselves to remain stoic during a tearjerker movie, afterward they gave up more quickly on lab tasks requiring self discipline, like working on a geometry puzzle or squeezing a hand grip exerciser. Willpower turned out to be more than a folk concept or a metaphor. It really was a form of mental energy that could be exhausted. The experiments confirmed the 1. To study the process of ego depletion, researchers concentrated initially on acts involving self control the kind of self discipline popularly associated with willpower, like resisting a bowl of ice cream. They werent concerned with routine decision making, like choosing between chocolate and vanilla, a mental process that they assumed was quite distinct and much less strenuous. Intuitively, the chocolate vanilla choice didnt appear to require willpower. But then a postdoctoral fellow, Jean Twenge, started working at Baumeisters laboratory right after planning her wedding. As Twenge studied the results of the labs ego depletion experiments, she remembered how exhausted she felt the evening she and her fianc went through the ritual of registering for gifts. Did they want plain white china or something with a patternWhich brand of knives How many towels What kind of sheetsPrecisely how many threads per square inchBy the end, you could have talked me into anything, Twenge told her new colleagues. The symptoms sounded familiar to them too, and gave them an idea. A nearby department store was holding a going out of business sale, so researchers from the lab went off to fill their car trunks with simple products not exactly wedding quality gifts, but sufficiently appealing to interest college students. When they came to the lab, the students were told they would get to keep one item at the end of the experiment, but first they had to make a series of choices. Would they prefer a pen or a candle A vanilla scented candle or an almond scented one A candle or a T shirt A black T shirt or a red T shirtA control group, meanwhile lets call them the nondeciders spent an equally long period contemplating all these same products without having to make any choices. They were asked just to give their opinion of each product and report how often they had used such a product in the last six months. Afterward, all the participants were given one of the classic tests of self control holding your hand in ice water for as long as you can. The impulse is to pull your hand out, so self discipline is needed to keep the hand underwater. The deciders gave up much faster they lasted 2. Making all those choices had apparently sapped their willpower, and it wasnt an isolated effect. It was confirmed in other experiments testing students after they went through exercises like choosing courses from the college catalog. For a real world test of their theory, the labs researchers went into that great modern arena of decision making the suburban mall. They interviewed shoppers about their experiences in the stores that day and then asked them to solve some simple arithmetic problems. The researchers politely asked them to do as many as possible but said they could quit at any time. Sure enough, the shoppers who had already made the most decisions in the stores gave up the quickest on the math problems. When you shop till you drop, your willpower drops, too. Any decision, whether its what pants to buy or whether to start a war, can be broken down into what psychologists call the Rubicon model of action phases, in honor of the river that separated Italy from the Roman province of Gaul. When Caesar reached it in 4. B. C., on his way home after conquering the Gauls, he knew that a general returning to Rome was forbidden to take his legions across the river with him, lest it be considered an invasion of Rome. Waiting on the Gaul side of the river, he was in the predecisional phase as he contemplated the risks and benefits of starting a civil war. Then he stopped calculating and crossed the Rubicon, reaching the postdecisional phase, which Caesar defined much more felicitously The die is cast. The whole process could deplete anyones willpower, but which phase of the decision making process was most fatiguingTo find out, Kathleen Vohs, a former colleague of Baumeisters now at the University of Minnesota, performed an experiment using the self service Web site of Dell Computers. One group in the experiment carefully studied the advantages and disadvantages of various features available for a computer the type of screen, the size of the hard drive, etc. A second group was given a list of predetermined specifications and told to configure a computer by going through the laborious, step by step process of locating the specified features among the arrays of options and then clicking on the right ones. The purpose of this was to duplicate everything that happens in the postdecisional phase, when the choice is implemented. The third group had to figure out for themselves which features they wanted on their computers and go through the process of choosing them they didnt simply ponder options like the first group or implement others choices like the second group.