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Free Strip games Tube Videos at Brand Porno. Were keeping it sexy here, we have all of the cutest girls teasing, including upskirts, oops, downblouse and sexy music videos. Timeline of Jewish Persecution in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the systematic extermination and ethnic cleansing of six million European Jews and millions of others non aryans. It was implemented and executed under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, who ruled Germany from 1. Click on a Year to Learn More 1. March 1. 3Presidential election under Weimar Republic in Germany gives 3. Adolf Hitler, head of the NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party Nazi Party. The incumbent president, Field Marshall Hindenburg, receives 4. Virtual Tickling Games' title='Virtual Tickling Games' />Virtual Tickling GamesVirtual Tickling GamesBest Funny videos from HugeVids. HugeVids. net Huge collection of best porno movies and free sex videos. New porn videos added several times a day Feel Free to. April 1. 0Since German law requires a basic majority for the election of a president, a rerun presidential election is held in which incumbent president Hindenburg wins with 5. Hitler increases his popular vote to 3. July 3. 1German national elections for delegates to the Reichstag Parliament result in the Nazi Party attaining 2. Social Democrats received 2. Communists 1. 5 percent, Catholic Center 1. January February March April May June July. August September October November December. January. A pastoral letter of Austrian Bishop Gfollner of Linz states that it is the duty of all Catholics to adopt a moral form of antisemitism. January 4. Hitler and former Prime Minister Franz von Papen meet secretly to discuss Hitlers future in the German government. January 2. 8German Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher resigns. January 3. 0German President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler German Chancellor. Franz von Papen is named vice chancellor. The Nazis refer to this as Machtergreifung Seizure of power. Judische Jugenhilfe established in Berlin. February. The weekly publication Der Strmer, devoted primarily to antisemitic propaganda and promoting hatred against the Jews, published since 1. Nazi Party, becomes the official organ of the party in power. The motto of the paper is The Jews are our misfortune. February 2. Political demonstrations are banned within Germany. February 3. Hitler presents Lebensraum program. February 1. 2Bloody Sunday riots in Berlin lead to the death of one Communist and injuries to hundreds of other citizens, including Jews. February 1. 9Father Charles Coughlin, a Jew hating priest Canadian but working in the Detroit, Michigan, diocese sermonizes on the radio that Shylocks Jews are causing the Depression. He receives 8. 0,0. Protestants. His editorials often parallel those of the Nazi press. He is friendly with several U. S. senators and representatives. February 2. 0Hitler wins over a group of leading German industrialists at a meeting designed for that purpose. February 2. 7The Reichstag building German parliament is set ablaze. The Nazis are quick to blame the fire on Communists. February 2. 8Hitler convinced President von Hindenburg to invoke an emergency clause in the Weimar Constitution. The German parliament then passed the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the Nation and State Reichstag Fire Decree. The decree suspended the civil rights of Nazi opponents in the German constitution. These rights included freedom of speech, assembly, press, and formed the basis for the prohibition of Nazi opponets to have judicial procceedings. All 1. 00 Communist Party members of the Reichstag are arrested. One Berlin man is given 5. Communist and 5. 0 more for being a Jew. Making A Platform Game. March 4. United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt makes his inaugural address. He will remain as president throughout the Holocaust. March 5. The Nazis win 2. Reichstag election. During the last free election in Germany, ostensibly called to obtain a vote of confidence, the Nazi Party wins nearly 4. Social Democrats, with 1. In a coalition with another rightwing party, Hitler takes full control of Germany. Individual German states are stripped of power. March 9 1. 0A wave of riots begins against German Jews by the SA, so called Storm Troopers of the Nazi Party, and Stahlhelm, a nationalist organization comprised of World War I veterans. March 1. 9The Jewish War Veterans of America announces it will boycott German goods and services. March 2. 1Special Nazi courts are set up to deal with political dissidents. The Day of Potsdam the first opening of a Nazi controlled Reichstag. March 2. 2The SS, Hitlers elite guard, establishes a concentration camp, outside the town of Dachau, in south Germany, for political opponents of the regime. It was the only concentration camp to remain in operation from 1. By 1. 93. 4, the SS had taken over the administration of the entire Nazi concentration camp system. By 1. 94. 5, the Nazis will build more than 1. March 2. 3The Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich, or Ermchtigungsgesetz, commonly known as the Enabling Act is passed by the Reichstag, giving Hitlers government dictatorial powers. Hitler promises that Germanys artistic growth will be fueled by blood and race. March 2. A gigantic anti Nazi protest rally, organized by the American Jewish Congress, is held in New York City. German goods if the Germans carry out their planned permanent boycott of Jewish owned stores and businesses. April 1. A boycott of all Jewish shops in Germany instigated by the S. A. This action was also directed against Jewish physicians, lawyers and merchants. Jewish students were forbidden to attend schools and universities. Due to international outrage and the apathy of many non Jewish Germans, Hitler orders the boycott limited to a single day. April 4. The article Tragt ihn mit Stolz, den Gelben Fleck Wear it with Pride, The Yellow Badge written by Robert Weltsch, is published in the German Jewish newspaper Jdische Rundschau. The article is the first in a series To say Yes to our Jewishness and become slogans of the German Jewish resistance. April 7. Hitler approves decrees banning Jews and other non Aryans from the practice of law and from jobs in the civil service Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. Jewish government workers in Germany are ordered to retire. Exception made for frontline veterans of World War I. April 1. 1The German government begins employment and economic sanctions against Jews that are widely perceived as being racially based. Decree issued defining a non Aryan as anyone descended from non Aryan, especially Jewish, parents or grandparents. One parent or grandparent classifies the descendant as non Aryan. Jewish faith. The Lutheran Church opposes the sanctions. April 1. 4The Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten National Political Educational Institutes are established as training schools for Nazi Party cadets. April 2. 5The Law for Preventing Overcrowding in German Schools and Schools of Higher Education takes effect the law restricts enrollment of Jews. Similar extra legal discrimination against Jews already exists in the United States. April 2. 6Hermann Gring establishes the Gestapo Geheime Staatspolizei Secret State Police. Hitler meets with Bishop Wilhelm Berning of Osnabrck and Monsignor Steinmann, prelates representing the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. Hitler claims that he is only doing to the Jews what the Catholic Church has already done to them for 1. He reminds the prelates that the Church has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos.